Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 8 of soft dolls and some Weather!

Its a beautiful day in OHIO! where did this stuff come from? One minute Its nice and sunny, a little on the cold side but..., and then all of a sudden we have a snow storm! What? I know its March and Ohio is prone to all sorts of jumbled weather, but....I've kind of had it with this white stuff. Its hard to predict whats coming our way and its Ohio, ok I've ranted.

Had a pretty good day hunting other sites, definitely check them out when you can. Some I've known about before and some I've just found but are very interesting to say the least. Utes Trolls is a great variation of soft dolls and gives the artist a lot of ground to work with. By that I an abstract boundaries, just vision. Thank you Ute.

Im making dinner, pizza and some back, until then I will give you some snow in Ohio and some Sophia pics cause she's watching the snow!

New Post for day 7... of soft sculptured dolls

My, there have been so many interruptions lately, I dont know what to make of it. I've been trying to make some progress on my doll and each time I make an advance on the project it seems that I have a hurdle.
 I mean I know we had the full moon on the 19th but come on, that passed...let's move, K

I have some pics of the sculpting of the new doll. As Ive said, it isnt much but I promise that he will become someone.! Im so excited for this adventure, I know you will too!

Im going to bed, really tired. So see what you think and dont hesitate to give me some, post, comment, comment............all is so welcome.
Having some trouble with posting pictures so I only have one..will show you more tomorrow.

Thank you, Dulce'

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 7 of Soft Dolls- Sculptured... :D

Well I've done some of the sculpturing of the face of my new doll. It's definitely proving to be someone I had no idea I would make....but I really think that it has character.

 I took out the initial sculpturing that I had put in and gave this one a few tweeks. I really do love how it's coming along..I had a smile on my face the whole time I was working on it. It may not look like much at the moment but it will, I can feel it and definitely a "character".

I want to work on the body for a few days and then come back to the face so that it develops. I have to gesso the face and then let it dry. I will then have the pattern for the body, which I think I will make partially costume and flesh. I have some very unique material that I bought some time ago, knowing once I saw it that it had a place in my doll world. We shall see.

I love the process of doll making because it is so abstract. I have painted for many years and my favorite style has always been abstract because there are no boundaries. It is the same with sculpturing dolls, the faces and styles have no boundaries. Dolls and the characters they become are as limitless as your imagination.

A little note about me, I have always kept my distance from faces in painting for some reason....but with sculpture..I don't feel that hesitance. I feel a necessity to help these faces come to life, it has become so exciting. It's almost as if each one is being born as you work with it. It's also a welcoming hurtle for me as well in the painting/creation realm.

Let me leave you with some pictures of the face I have sculptured and I will be back tomorrow. I did go to the clubhouse today, to walk on the treadmill and also to work in peace, haha. I made progress on the doll face as well as the sweater (knitting) that Im working on. I have promised myself that I will finish it even if im well into spring, I can always wear it in the fall next year.

An amazing find, lol, my camera battery has no power! I plugged it in and will be able to take my doll pictures soon. I'll post in a few hours, see you back then.

Dulce' the dollweaver  (just a few pics of some late may 10' skies)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Its Sunday...and My Kitty is not cooperating !

Its Sunday and I haven't gotten much done in the way of working on the doll in the last few days! My dear little Sophia has been in need of much attention and is meowing even louder recently. I do have some of the sculpting done on the face but Im in the process of taking it out and re-doing it. That's the great thing about can do anything you want with it :) I started with the nose and decided I wasnt happy with it, so I will start with the eyes and go from there. I love making dolls, just didnt realize how much I need the use of my art room. And since Ms Sophia loves the two large plants that we have moved into that room (to keep her from jumping into them and flinging all the dirt everywhere) until spring, I cant go in there for long without her meowing. And without the door being open its colder than cold and not very inviting. I may just go to the clubhouse and sit there for awhile so that some progress is being made. Maybe I just need another Kitty to keep her company? hmm, no, I don't think so lol.

I want to get to some of the doll today so I will take a few things and trek on over to the clubhouse for some peace and quiet. I can take my camera also and see what I can do with my time. I'll be back in a few, thanks for being so patient with this process. I'll leave you for the moment with a look at a first run with the Traveling Gypsy, she had a different outfit in the initial stages. And of course the stinker bug that won't let me work on my next project :D for too many moments at a time! But I will continue to get it done a little at a time.  Also a close up of The Gypsy's face so that you can see some of the painting and sculpting that was done with her.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

6th Day of Soft Dolls

Hellooo, I just wanted to drop by and give you an update on the doll that we're making! Im going to mark the face (the places that should be scuplted) and of course take pictures in between. I will then begin the face sculpting and furnish directions with each. Sometimes the sculpting can be a bit tricky but I think that no matter what you do its a work of exacted art made by you the artist :D.

Each time I sculpt a doll face its a journey, you just never know what you will get. It is what makes face sculpting such a unique process. So let's see what happens. I'm very excited, I hope you are.

I hope to provide you with a few more sites that will be helpful in doll making. All doll makers have something to impart to all other doll makers, so it is with all artists of any medium.

I'll be back with some pictures and some step by steps. I would love to hear comments on any process, questions and more :)thanks for being a part of this journey.

Dulce, the dollweaver

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 5 of Soft Dolls...missed Monday!

Hi, back from my long weeked away from making dolls. I posted yesterday but only my fried chicken and my windchimes :)It was great chicken mmmm

Anyway, I have stuffed the doll head and its ready for sculpting. Its a bit different than I had imagined but I like it so far. I can't decide if I want to cover the face with another piece of flesh colored knit and get rid of the center line or just gesso it and go from there. I didnt cover the Gypsy and you can see the line down the center of her face, minorly, but you can see it. If I decide to cover it I will need to do that before I sculpt the face of course. Hmm..ok. Im going to give it a go without the covering once again as I did with the Gypsy.
2 of the pics that I took a few moments ago. I started to stuff them earlier and noticed that one of the front areas of the neck started to run. I caught it in time and put a tiny bit of fray check on the area to secure it!

I wish I could find my disappearing ink pen for the facial features. I really don't want to have to buy another one, I've only gotten one use out of this one so far. I know it's in there somewherrrrrre. I also would like to pick up a longer sculpting needle since this is a longer/larger doll face.

I've had a lot of fun this weekend looking up different doll sites that I found in a magazine called Soft Dolls. I started buying this magazine late last yr, which is how I became interested in making them in the first place. Soon after looking into this magazine my dear little Gypsy was born. I will post that site as soon as I learn I know it should be easy but....and it might be so we shall see.

Well, I will be back in a few, I need to make some dinner. I bought some strip steaks at a great price! And we have a great indoor grill that gives you a steak that tastes just like you made it outdoors..mmmm. I still would like to post the recipe for the fried chicken that I made on sunday.

Beeeee back! Dulce

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 5 of Soft Sculptured Dolls & Fried Chicken

Hello, hello, helloooo! Its 70 outside and im loving it, yay! The skies are a bit grey but Ive got the sliding door open and my windchimes are doing their thing :D. I love the sound of my windchimes, each has a very awesome & unique sound.
I had a nice weekend, didnt do a lot but it was great just the same. Sat was a lazy day but Sunday a little more eventful. I had lunch with my oldest daughter which is always fun, chatting and laughing...wish my youngest was in the area cause she'd be hanging with us too! I love, love, love my girls :D
Made some incredible fried chicken on Sun. for dinner, my first time to make it. I will post the recipe for you to try if you like....I have to say for the first try I really liked it (and Im my own worst critic!)

I should have taken a pic of the chicken last was sooooo good I didnt want to stop. So these are some pics of our lunch today, leftover chicken is the best! I will post the recipe, the dolls progess and a few more instructions, in a few but right now I have an appt to take care of, I'll bee back :) Dulce

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Full Moon

Im sure most of you were aware of the full moon last night! It was the closest its been to earth in I believe 19 yrs! I should have taken a pic or two....instead I stayed in the house because it was cold out:o
Cant believe I was being such a freeze baby. Well I hope most of you were able to take advantage of the beautiful sight.

Im going to lunch! see ya, later! Dulce

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dolls.... views of the "Traveling Gypsy"

im not working on the new doll at the moment....taking a break from trying to run into the spare/work/craft/sewing/ room that I make all my creations in. You see, Ms Sophia meows constantly while im in the room without her and I cant let her into the room with me b/c she jumps into the large plants that we have moved into that room. We have moved the large plants into that room b/c she jumps into them and dighe the dirt......geez. I thought that I would post some specific pictures of  the "traveling gypsy" just for  viewing pleasure...

Taking the day off ! Will be back on Monday :D

Im taking the weekend off, so I'll be back on Monday :D It's a beautiful day here in Ohio, partly Sunny, partly Cloudy which is the norm for our Spring season. Should get to around 45? hopefully. I just took a few pics of the view of our protected wetlands, I will post those.

I also have a few pictures of a two headed doll that I spoke of in another post. This one I was making for my sister and didnt finish before we lost her to cancer. I made it to somewhat resemble/ remind me of her (the hair)and it does every time I see it. I think I will finish it . Anyway, see you on Monday, enjoy the pictures.

Dulce, the dollweaver :D

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 4 Soft Sculptured Dolls cont

I did get the doll head sewn together and snapped some pics to show you what ive done so far. I am waiting for the fray check to set up/dry and then I will proceed by stuffing. I will take some more pics along the way with each process. I found a few things that I will modify for future dolls such as the marking pen that I used. I used a wet erase marker because it was handy and my dissappearing ink pen was not! It would have worked out fine except that when I ran a bead of fraycheck on it
the ink ran. Fortunately I trimmed the front of the face which I had planned on anyway and it will still work out :)
NOTE: to self....dont use regular markers! lol.

ok some pictures for you and some explanations: as you see in these two pics I have the front 2 halves sewn together and the back 2 also. I then have sewn the front and the back together, having matched seams at the top of the head.
The last pic is after I applied the fraycheck...its quite liquidy if you've never used it before. So as you can see, it made the ink run.. :(
But as I said, I had already trimmed the front of the face which will be the part that shows, so no running there, yay.

I have a few things to take care of and then I should have my material dry from the fraycheck. Then we can begin stuffing...I'll be back in a few.

Dulce...the dollweaver

I also have a piece of batting that I will stuff with, the bottle of fray check so you know what that looks like and my trusty crochet hook to help me get my batting in place...ok some more pics and explanations!

Good Morning Doll Enthusiasts 4th day

Good morning to everyone! We will be working on the 4th day of Soft Sculptured dolls today. Im sewing the head piece/material together and also stuffing it. I would also like to start sculpting the face if Ms Sophia behaves herself :D today.

As the directions state you will sew the front head pieces together and then also your back head pieces together (right sides facing each other). Then you will sew front to back matching the top of the head seams. I would run some fray check along the edges once its sewn and then let it set up/dry. Once it is set/dry you can stuff it pretty full with batting. Make sure that you run some fray check along the end of the neck because you will be putting a bit of pressure on this area as you stuff. I've had a few heads that I've stuffed experience runs in the material as I stuffed them so I'll save you some time and frustration.

As we are waiting for the fray check to dry, you might want to start thinking about the material that you want to use for your doll's outfit. I love to look in the discount section of any fabric store that I go to. You can usually find several great varieties of fabric, colors, prints, solids and more for great discounted prices. Let your imagination run wild! I know my mind does.

Well off to the sewing room, Sophia seems to be in sleepy mode at the moment. She's bathing herself and looking heavy lidded..great for sewing :) A few pics of Ms. Sophia

Be back in a few, Dulce

Thursday, March 17, 2011

3rd day of Soft Dolls cont:

Hi Im back and I've decided that you all should just come right along with me as Im making this. In between the actual sewing and such I will as Ive said post pics of things Ive made in the past,dolls, crafts, costumes and more! Above you can view Ms. Sophia atop her kitty condo :)

I dont know what this doll will look like yet, he or she will be a work in progress and will unfold before our very eyes! I worked on the "Traveling Gypsy" in this manner also and didnt know that she would be a gypsy until I began her hair and clothing. My patterns are hand made (my Mother Juanita taught me how to do this-as I mentioned before she was a professional seamstress) as you will see this allows me to be more creative. I can pick and choose what I really want my doll to look like, wear and more :D

Ok enough of my jabbering...I have pics of the pattern pieces and the material already cut out. I used a wet erase marking pen (you can buy a disappearing ink style if you like) to trace around the pattern because knit fabric is a little bit shifty lol. I also used a seam clamp to hold both pieces of material
together while I cut around the tracings.

next you see the pattern pieces and the material that has been cut out. Dont worry about the ink showing because you will not see this once you've sewn them together.

 The next step we will take once we have sewn the head together is stuffing it and then sewing or rather sculpting the face and bringing the features to life..this is the fun part!

Be back soooon, Dulce

3rd Day of Soft Sculptured Dolls, Dolls, and more Dolls

Hello to you all, I will post some doll pics that I have made in the past and also show you what Im working on. Im at present having trouble with my material and my kitty :) Ive tried to incorporate her into my activities so that Im not taking "me" out of her playtime and also not putting off my activities that I have planned.

MS Sophia, my little 3 month old kitty is very active to say the least, I have the war/play wounds to show for it! wink/smile

/scream!haha. She is well meaning and only wants to have someone to play with, but of course I have other ideas and agendas. She at present is running back and forth from one side of the room across my chest as I type and then the other side. All the while looking for something to knock down, chew on, jump up to etc....

Ok, today I have to go to my spare room, listen to Ms Sophia meow (which is a very tiny meow and very cute) to cut out the material for the head of this new doll to show you. I will post that later today. Im not going out of the house today, promise! Although it is sunny and we dont get those "sunny days" very often. Really, I promise, I wont go out, I'll just leave the sliding window open :D I'll go in there...just after I finish watching the View cause Steve Martin is on.

Well off to my venture and here are some dolls! and a pic of my oldest daughter in the pirate costume I made this last Oct 2010.

I'll be back, Dulce

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

hopefully more pics

having a little trouble trying to upload pics at the moment, dont know why but have tried 3 times. Normally I dont have any problem. Im sure i will figure it out eventually... :)

2nd day of Soft Sculptured Dolls revised!

Hellooooo to all of you who are looking forward to this adventure in making a soft sculptured doll! I know I am.....but lets back track a bit...hmmm.
What Ive decided is that I will make the doll, post it in its complete stage and then let you decide on your venture.

I will start with the doll made and then I will show you step by step how I made it. You can then decide, hmm, do I like the way this doll looks or would I like to wait for another. There will be others!

I will post some of the other dolls that I have made in the past, throughout the years and give you some ideas and maybe some incentive. Doll making really has been a passion of mine for so many years.

My Mother got me excited about dolls when I was very young with all of the many that she would make for myself, my sister and my cousins. She would make these two headed dolls that I absolutely loved! One was awake on one side-with day clothes and the other was asleep with pajamas. My cousin Sandra just reminded me today about this one. Thank you Sandra.

I will get my dolls out of hiding throughout the next few days and polish up the faces and dresses or outfits. They've been in boxes for sometime now, how I've missed seeing them.

So until then I will post a few fun things relating to my dolls and the items that I use and are fond of. And of course we can't forget Ms. Sophia the "nutball" in my life......making every stitch a project in itself. Just trying to cut the material out today was a "stitch

Day 2 of Soft Sculptured Dolls

Hi, I just wanted to post a few notes and then get back to you with more of the actual assembly of the doll head.

First note: you will also need batting to stuff the head with and may want to have some fray check to keep the edges from running while stuffing. I found the fray check to be very useful!

I made some changes to the look of the blog background and some layout changes, hope you love them. OK, going to the sewing machine now and will post in a few.....seeeee you then.'s another pic of my traveling gypsy with her head on, :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day One of Soft Sculptured Dolls

Hello to all...Its day one of soft sculptured dolls and Im very excited to show you what Ive come up with!

First I will give you the list of materials needed:

1. Pattern for face (its provided below)
2. Scissors
3. Pins
4. Material (I've used a flesh toned knit with a
bit of stretch,you can use any color that suits you just make sure its
stretchy :)
5. Thread to match your material
6. Gesso (you can buy this at any craft/art store) for priming the face
once its sewn
7. Water color pencils ( I prefer Faber-Castell Aquarelle )
8. A small artists brush -line or detailer style
9. Flesh toned acrylic paint or color of your choosing and a small brush
to apply it with. You can also use this same brush to apply the gesso.
I beleive that should do it for the beginning of our project. I will post the pattern and the items that im using and we can begin our doll !

To print your pattern you can highlight the pattern piece and right click on it and then click on print target. You can make it as small or large as you want with a copy machine. My doll head will be approx. 5" from top of the head to beg. of neck.

These are basic instructions for sewing. Sew seams at the front of the head with right sides together.
Sew seams at back of head with right sides together (leave a small opening at the very back to stuff, it will make it easier- you could stuff from the neck if you like just depends on how much effort

you want to put into it :) Sew the front of the head to the back of the head matching seams at top of head.

I will be back tomorrow with the head sewn together and walk you through applying the gesso. I will also post pics of gesso, brushes and watercolor pencils...See  you then,

Dulce.....the doll dreamweaver ! If you have any questions while working on your project dont hesitate to post, I check them often.:)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Great Doll Ideas! Free patterns and instructions!

My first doll posting will be tomorrow! so for all of you who have been wanting, needing and just cant wait for instructions on soft dolls :D please check back tomorrow!

I will have the first pic of the first step and as I go through the day and have time to post I will update the progress:D

Im very excited, I cant tell you how many times I have looked for doll sites, specifically soft doll instruction sites and have had no luck. I was always given bits and pieces of how to's and then of course I had to buy a book if I really wanted to make a doll.

I will have the face pattern first and go from there...see you back tomorrow, I have lots to do tonight....seee you then,




When I first tried my hand at soft sculptured dolls I found a magazine that gave me a few hints at the trials of working in this arena! I was looking for something that would fill my time while I healed (my back...geez that sounds soooo old....and i dont feel it, really). So I looked for something that I loved, one which is sewing..., that comes naturally because my mother was a prof. seamstress and taught me almost everything that she knew. Wish that I actually knew everything...hmm, but I gained quite a bit of knowledge while my Mom was here, she was a beauty and a major plethora of knowledge...although Im sure she didnt realize how much she was passing on. OMG did that women know how to sew. I have her machine, that gives me comfort. Its almost like she was here, hmm. Its an old singer, I actually like it much better than my new machine which is a New Home..yah, not a fan so much. The New Home is very squirelly..all over the place unless you really get a hold of it! The singer really held the material in place and you had to tell the machine that you wanted to go somewhere.....ok..............I getit, IM AN OLD SO AND SO.I need to adapt, the machine should need to respond to what you want...shouldnt it?

I learned something......


going to bed...........

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Its a Sunny Day in OHIO and The Kitty is Happy!

Finally, a sunny day! We have snow on the ground but we have SUN, yay!
I was sitting here watching the sun peek in and out of the clouds earlier and thankfully now we have blue skies and SUN. What a pleasure it is to see. Im happy for the sun and Kitty is happy to have a playmate, even if it's stuffed :)

Im also watching the dvd of the Coral Reef that I bought a few yrs back for my cat Tiger (who is no longer with me, lost him last May) because I thought that Sophia (my new little kitty) would enjoy it. I thought that it would keep her somewhat occupied as I wrote my new post (she likes to walk across the laptop-not a good thing). Well she was playing with her toys, running all through the house, looked at it a few moments here and there and now she's sleeping. It didnt amuse my Tiger either.

I did buy the stuffed animal for Sophia that I spoke of yesterday. It's really cute. It's a stuffed pink sheep that has a squeeker in the tail end and one in the nose. She likes it and has taken to harassing it instead of me when diverted. I even tried the "hold down" this morning that I looked up on some cat info sites yesterday, which is where I learned about the idea for a stuffed animal.

The "hold down" is where you firmly but gently hold the kitten down once he/she has decided to dominate you by biting and box kicking you very aggressively. You only do it for a minute or two if that and then put he/she-kitty down and ignore them for a few minutes. I used the stuffed animal as the diversion this morning when she did her usual "I want you up" routine of attacking my hands as Im just waking up. I used the stuffed animal at first and tried getting her to understand that she should be aggressive with it and not me by showing her the animal and keeping my hands unmoved at my side. It worked for a few and then she caught site of my arm/hand and went for it, so I used the "hold down" method. It worked but I also think that the stuffed animal was too close at the time and she may have thought that it did the actual hold down and now she's a little bit timid with it now. Hmmm, well at least she's not attacking me LOL.

Ok, I need some refreshment and I should turn off the heater, this laptop does get hot on your lap, phew. I'll be back later, I have some ideas that I've written down...requires some add'l work and some pics.

See you in a few, Dulce

Friday, March 11, 2011

My Crazy Kitty

MS SOPHIA, ah, my dear Ms. Sophia Solana...what a great little kitty! except when she gets in that mood where she wants to exercise her dominance :o, not fun. I received Sophia when she was 7-8wks old, the cutest little ball of black fluff you have ever seen. I posted her pic earlier and until I get my pics moved to this laptop, we'll just have to keep looking at the one below that I posted a few days ago :).

Anyway my goal today is to find her a playmate-a stuffed one. So Im off to the store to find miss Sophia a friend. Ive been told that a stuffed animal about the same size as the kitty itself will give her someone to dominate other than me! Ha,ha..we shall see, Im hoping it does the trick cause I really dont want to have two kitties and i'm tired of being attacked by my little furball :0

Ok, have to get ready and brave the elements, we have a lot of snow on the ground today. I hope its the last blast for the season cause im really tired of this white wonderless land. Although I have to say or rather not complain when Japan just had an 8.9 earthquake and a tsunami I believe of 22ft. I will get my calculations correct. I send my prayers out to all of those who have been affected by this horrific event.

I'll be back, Dulce

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Trying A Few New Ideas

Just trying a few new ideas, gave myself a new background and looking for a few new arenas of interest.

I have a lot of time on my hands as Ive said earlier and also a lot to give to this Universe!

I would love to hear your ideas! So dont hesitate to post :)

Talk to you a bit later,


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What does it take to dispute a cell phone issue?


t spoke to an absolutely wonderful woman....mind you it's International Women's Day ! Im trying to resolve a cell phone dispute of my husband's. One company meshed into another company and voila! The left hand doesnt know what the right hand is doing? We have a family share program for 3 phones, should be easy but hmmm guess not this time.

Anyway, problem here is they are trying to charge us for 1 of the lines twice :)lol, yah, not so funny really..but this is where it stands for the moment.

I called the present phone service provider to try and resolve this,they said to call the 800# for the collection co that is trying to bill us. I called the 800# for the collection co that is trying to bill us and they said that I need to call the 800# of the present phone service provider!

Three calls into insanity and I am now speaking to Myrna, ahhh the lovely Myrna, who has decided (thank you good fortune :) to take on this crazy cell phone problem we are experiencing. Except for one small problem, ha ha ha...I need my husbands permission to access his records!. Did I mention that it is International Women's Day! This is the reason that we have our day!

I am now waiting for someone to answer once again now that my husband has given his permission over the phone for me to take care of this cell phone problem, since he doesnt have the patience. "Thank you for holding, all of our phone representatives are busy the next available rep will be with you in just a few short moments". Let's see its 227pm and ive been on for almost 5 minutes. Hmm, we will see.

IN the meantime, you see the problem is that he was with another phone company and when we got married we thought that bundling the services would save us some money, right? So we brought his phone number over to my provider. Mind you his company was in the process of being merged/bought by my company so it really shouldnt have been a problem. We even had his same number "ported over". That's where you keep the same number and have the next company assume service. With that being said let me ask you this, how does a company bill one phone/number TWICE!for 6 months when both companies have become one? HUH!>?

GEEZZZZZZ, Im frustrated and its not even my phone...ha ha ha, that's what I think, it's my bill. Ok.

I have to take a breather and get back to you. I will leave you with a pic of my cell phone and hope that Myrna calls me back :) OH, and also of my Sophia, she's 3 months old tomorrow...what a cutie pie.

Thanks, Dulce

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So much time has passed as many of us say since we've blogged but it's always true :o
well since I last wrote....i have been terminated from my job. I'm disabled now and have a bulging disc to deal with. Im waiting for surgery and have been since Dec of 09'. I have gone through a lot of stress throughout this wait and am looking forward to healing and smiling. Everything happens for a reason Ive always said and now Im learning to work through all that has happened.

I have in the past posted great pictures, good times, great recipes and the rantings of my day to day job. So much has changed since my last post, so much that I havent even begun to talk about. Im thinking of taking on a new avenue for my blog. I will learn more about design and settings, links, advertisement and all that goes along with it. I will post a picture for this writing and see you all back as I make the changes. I have plenty of time on my hands these days, that's for sure.

This is a picture of Ankri, she is a traveling Gypsy. I love to make dolls and gave my hand a try at a soft sculptered doll this summer. I enjoyed every minute of it and look forward to making another. Maybe the next one could be a play by play of a sort as I make Idea!

Thanks for listening,