Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Another Day in The Life......

Well here we are in January! Mr Cole (my new grandson) is now about 2 1/2months old, all a grandmother could want...what a cutie ;) of course Im partial.

I havent done much with my art, Ive been so busy with Cole and some new household arranging. But, Im now in the mood to create..soooo, on to making something!

Im beginning a new chapter in my Fairy world and am thinking about incorporating clay(s), I have many ideas floating around in my head at the moment and just need to get them down on paper. They always seem to be at the brink of getting lost if I dont...paper where are you?

Im also rearranging my house, this is a good thing, really stirs up the creativity for one and makes it easier to find what I want when Im in the midst of making that special creation.

Ok....I'll be back, have to have some breakfast and then on to picking up a storage unit for my crafty creations!!
