I thought I would venture out today! I've gone out a few times with my love at my side and at that only for an hour or so at a time. I tire easily still but am definitely on the mend! Today's temp will be about 69-70 and sunny!!!!! yeah! We don't get many of those days at this time of year.
My agenda today is to pick up our (mine and my honey's) wedding rings and have lunch with my daughter. I text her earlier but I don't think that she is awake just yet so I will wait and see whether I'm doing this alone or not. I need to buy a sweater or light jacket for the BIG day! and a pair of shoes? I should pick up a wind breaker or hoodie (as my girls call them) for the trip too.
I just looked up the weather at the CAPE and we will have 70's, some sunny days and some rain. I have to be ready for the whole nine yards. I think I have everything else!
I can't wait to take pictures when we are on our trip. I should get some pretty great shots. My camera is outstanding for the type of camera it is and for the money. I'm glad that I did my homework. I should post a comment regarding how pleased I am. That's how I finally decided to buy this camera in particular. I looked at many types of cameras and read the comments that buyers posted. One in particular stood out for me and that was from a man who bought the Sony Cybershot DSC-H3. I have to excuse my previous post when calling my camera the dscw 55 7.2 because that is the camera that I was going to buy originally. I in fact ended up buying a DSC-H3 8.1 and spending a bit more than I was going to but well worth it. But to get back to the post, it was the comments that this man wrote that clinched the deal for me. He was well informed and seemed semi-professional re: camera's, gave all the reasons he loved the camera and all that it would do for the money! SO,I should post my comment also.
Have to go, my daughter just text me and said that she will be available for lunch, Chipotle sounds fabulous! Mmmm......
Up above is another one of my paintings, I painted this one during February, can you tell?
Thanks for listening, Dulce
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