just wanted to say hello to the world that listens.....im home from work and today was a good day. My husband always asks...so, how was your day? And by that he means, good, great, stressful, eventful- good or bad, and he wants the details! Each day is like that, depending on the events that im taking care of or how many servers call off. And added to that is the ADD-ONS!!!Yep, each day I go to my mailbox at work, which I playfully have dubbed "crap in the box", You know, Jack in the box? (with a twist). That's because each time you look at your mailbox (which is 3ft by 3ft square with slots and names of each dept head)you have a mound of mail. Most of this mound is just that, crap. And even when its something that you need, it still can be considered crap because it comes at the wrong time.
Our event coordinator is a bit scattered to say the least. She has never dealt with the "real" f & b side of the equation so things do not run as smoothly as they should or could. She never has all the event sheets done when we have the f&b meeting which means for me that I have half the info for scheduling that I need. She changes times and counts without telling anyone that they've happened. Makes my job that much harder. So........when my husband asks me "how was your day?" It varies greatly !!
Well, as I said in my earlier post re: my non-vacation, we went on a hike. It was nice, I mean, Iknow my husband was trying to make me happy and make up for the fact that we werent going on vacation. I just couldnt grasp the fact that we werent going, when I had looked so forward to it. I mean I had my heart set on being in the outer banks.!, watching the ocean eb and flow. geesh!
Ok Im over it.............
These pics are of the trees that we saw on our hike, with woodpecker holes. You gotta love-em, the woodpeckers i mean. You know, how many creatures do you know that would bash their heads against a tree all day just for a bug>? That's determination in my opinion. Or maybe just really hungry?
Gotta go
Got some pics for you :)
Thanks for listening,
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