HI, just sitting here enjoying the cool air adding words of familiarity to my blog. Believe it or not, the dog days of summer have finally arrived! I dont mind it while im in here, but, I will soon have to go to work. And my car has no AIR CONDITIONING! We have had such a cool and rainy summer and I wasnt looking forward to this heat. I even went so far as to think we might get away with out it. What was I thinking?
I have been having the strangest dreams lately, what do I mean lately hah!I have strange dreams all the time. I used to write them down and some how just stopped. Oh yah I know why, I got married.
I've been feeling a bit stagnant for a while now. As though Im just stuck, all the while knowing that there's something about to change. I've been feeling like this for about a week or two (sometimes my days, weeks, months can run together as though there is no time frame, just time), the change part I mean. The stuck part I've felt for about a year now. The precognition of change drifted into my mind about a week or two ago. I dont know what is going to change just yet but something will, I can feel it.
I decided to pick up a few books (these are books that Ive had in my library for years) in the last few weeks knowing that I needed some kind of direction. I read a few pages in Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting, and then I picked up Ask And It Is Given. I then picked up Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui. I immediately decided to make the change happen by getting involved with what I have power over. I started cleaning! I think my husband thought I was crazy but I felt the need to really clean.
I mean it was Sunday and originally we had decided to take that day off and spend it with one another. But all the while Im thinking I need to make a difference with the change that's about to come into my life. I know that I have been neglecting things around the house for a reason and in reading Clear Your Clutter I realized ! I stopped clearing my clutter last year and the clutter just put me in that stuck stage.
So I started clearing my clutter, I still have much to do but Im on my way to free flowing energy.
Oh yah, I forgot re: the dreams I was talking about earlier. The reason I brought that up is because as I was cleaning I decided to dust everything. And as I got to the bookcase I decided to pull out all the books so that I could get all the dust (not just on top-the usual dusting). As Im going through each book and wiping them off I see the dream journal that I used to write my dreams in. I opened it up and read a few of them. They are strange, wonderful and funny to say the least but also helpful. I plan on writing more of them down as I go through this change.
I had one the other night that I still cant get out of my mind. You see, we have a few things going on at work and these "things" are a bit stressful for me. So in the middle of the night I wake slightly and hope to fall asleep again, knowing that Im dreaming about work. I fall asleep and go right back into the same dream, it's just a continuation of the same dream at work. And while Im sleeping I think to myself "jeez, can I just stop thinking about work for one night?" But as the dream goes on I feel like Im in sleep/wake limbo! Im dreaming but Im awake and during this time it occurs to me that my old boss " the Lemur" has been re-hired and is telling me that I didnt have something stocked and he's yelling in his "old" usual way. And Im thinking to myself NOOOOOOOOOOOO this can't be true, he can't be back that's not possible! Then I wake up for real this time.
I have dreams sometimes that are precursor's to actual events, not so specific that it shows me each moment to moment what will happen but just a heads up on possibilities. So this dream is a bit unsettling. I think it has a lot to do with the changes that were made with one of the other managers. It's gone to his head, really. He is called mini me at work. And for a good reason. I have different names for him. You remember the movie Monsters Inc.? Remember the chameleon character that would slither all through the factory and change colors to hide from other workers so that he could spy on them? Yah, that's mini me. To a Tee! He actually does that. He hides behind walls, behind doors. And he runs through the building to find you to see if he can get something on you to report to upper management. He even goes so far as to make things up about you. He even makes rude hand jesters at other management behind their backs. What a piece of work.
Ok, enough, I have some more cleaning to do. I will leave you with some nice pics..
Thanks for listening, Dulce
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