Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Clothes for Mahdreen the Elf of Wisdom

Hello to all :) been away for awhile......had the flu & that hung for several weeks! So I've been officially accepted here in AZ, lol.

Going to post the new clothes that I've made for Mahdreen my female Elf of Wisdom....she's been waiting patiently. I'll be back soon to show you some embellishments that I will have added to her wearables & also hope to have her hair "do" in place, I've taken out her braids for embellishment.

Her outfit is all free hand/formed, the jumpsuit is a pant pattern cutout (from memory) & I've just made the upper section that would have been belted at the waist go a bit longer and brought it past her bossoms :) which i've free formed also (some extra doll body material & poly fill-handstitched to body). I've taken some upholstery material & also some curtain material and made her jacket-no pattern.  

I will embellish as I go and see what happens! I can see her with lots of jewels & some great boots?

Be back soon!


P.S. if you have any questions please feel free to send me a note...also patterns are always available even though I've free formed them :) but a little imagination can take you a long way when putting together clothing...there's no end to it!