Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh My.....This stuff is hard to shake!

Its been about a week since I was last here and I have to, that intestinal thing was most definitely hard to shake..yikes! I'm hoping this is the last.
No progress on the doll but I did feel well enough to rummage through the garage today for an hour and found some new (well,old)patterns. I used to put all my patterns in these cute pink striped boxes. They were just for patterns and they had places for marking which were where. I really loved these boxes and used to refer to them often. I also have two craft books in this box too! You know the kind that they would advertise "buy the first set of inserts" and they would send you a free binder to hold them in. Then once a month they would send you another set of inserts (pages that had craft/sewing pics and then step by step how to's). I loved these craft books and my girls would look into them for ideas and patterns all the time. All the patterns are full size and are at the back of the book in pocket holders, easy to find.
I'm getting ready for a garage sale at a local neighborhood center. It will be outside unless it rains, which it looks as though it might this coming saturday. Hence the reason I was looking through the garage. I have been needing and wanting to go through things for years now. I moved 4 yrs back to a smaller place and boxed everything up and as they say "if you haven't needed it or used it in 2...time to get rid of it". So that's what I'm doing this next week, clearing my clutter.
I think I'll get out my book "how to clear your clutter" to remind me just why I need to get rid of some things. It has lots of handy hints on dividing your items and great reasons for doing so! You know, clearing my clutter might just be the trick to getting my energy and well being unstuck. Im an old school Feng Shui girl and truly believe that when things start accumulating in your dwelling space you can certainly expect to feel your energy levels stagnate.
Well, Im going to listen to my body today and lay down for awhile. I can start again tomorrow on some more clutter clearing. I'm also reading a book on Toltec Wisdom a definite move in the greatest direction.

Talk to you soon, Dulce

Friday, April 15, 2011

Its a New Day....

Well, it is a new day and on the mend. Thank you to all that sent me their well wishes, greatly appreciated.

I realized once I went to post again that my dear little Sophia was missing from my last post:( My husband was talking to me at the same time I was trying to finish my publishing and somehow Sophia'a picture did not. So I will post that picture and hopefully some dolls as this is what my venture is all about.

Im fine tuning the face of my doll that Im working on now....I would like the placement of her features to be a bit different and I have some ideas but as I always say, Ms Sophia is a constant...pleasure....when it comes to being in my art room. I can't wait for the weather to change so that those two....lovely plants can go outside. I dont know why she likes jumping in them soooooo much? I mean come on, wiggly leaves..dirt? what else could a cat want?

I will survive, I just know, as they say. Ok. so I have to make dinner and will be back to show you what I may have gotten accomplished!

Be back, Dulce
P.S. and I am feeling a bit better, the doc said maybe allergies..ugh!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Under the weather and no time for dolls this week :(

Not a good time to be under the weather I had a few plans this weekend that I was looking forward to. I've been feeling a bit like the flu for about a week so im going to the doc's tomorrow.

I worked on the doll face for the last two days and not much progress. I painted some features and Im not in love with them. Just shows how crummy Im feeling. I've got a doll meeting to go to on Sunday that I really would love to make but I dont think anyone else needs to feel like this. I also had a d

inner set up with my Andrea and I cancelled that too.

I'll leave you with some pics, not of the doll-cause I'll re-do that, but you can see Ms Sophia and Mr Leo her older brother ( my Andrea's kitty). Looking forward to feeling better soon :)

Talk to you soon, Dulce

Monday, April 11, 2011

Feeling Much Bettter :)

Made my chicken soup and in fact had two small bowls. I felt lots better just after eating/drinking it, yay. It may be psychological, it may have some real merit but chicken soup always does the trick. I just know that I feel better than I did. Even felt good enough to have a piece of pizza and two wings that my husband brought home.

I'm still going to bed early, taking a nice warm shower and putting on some pjs. Maybe even Sophia will come keep m

e company :)Maybe a little reading and some tea, mmmm tea.

AH I Know, I'm taking my sketch pad to bed and working on the dolls face. A beautifully relaxing plan. Drawing does that for me, it puts me in a creative, timeless, mind wandering zone.

off to make some tea.

See you all tomorrow, peace, light and love.....Dulce


Not feeling my best today....I can't tell if it's just allergies or a mix of that and a cold...ugh. Not even Ms. Sophia wants to be near me, I can't blame her either.  I need some gingerale or maybe some soup, chicken soup.

Not going to even attempt to work on the doll today......Im going back to bed. Still need some soup though but don't feel up to making it....ugh.

see you later when Im feeling better :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 9 or maybe 10 depends :D

I painted the face with a mix of gesso and flesh toned acrylic, its coming along as quickly as Ms Sophia would like it to, lol. I see a few stray strands of stuffing that have made their way through the material. I will sand or just clip those away before I start painting.
I was on a site yesterday re: face painting, and she said that she paints the face with acrylic paint and has had much success. I might try that sometime :) But for now I will continue with the watercolor pencils that I have come to love.
I will wait for the paint to dry....maybe 24hrs and then we will start painting the facial features.
I have not gotten to the body...all in due time, I love making dolls :D but Ms Sophia has her own agenda today......

Thank you, Dulce....the dollweaver

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Lazy Grey Day.....I should be working.... :D

It's definitely a grey day here in Ohio....I've spent some of my day looking through other art web/blogsites and have received an array of great ideas. Thanks to all of you who have sent comments my way, Im greatly appreciative! Keep them coming :)

I am planning on making my way into the art room and painting the dolls face and of course start sewing the body. It seems that it's taking so long to accomplish  my desires but having my dear Sophia is like having a newborn....she requires a bit of attention, gladly.  Can't tell you how I've missed the company of a loving feline. I lost my dear Tiger in May of 10', he was 15 and it was time for him to say goodbye to this life. But I asked him, some months later, if he would please at the right time (after my grieving) send me the perfect kitten. The one he knew would be the best fit for me...he knew me so well. Many of my friends and children prompted me to go online at one of the shelters to get a kitten from them. And that course was my plan, I just couldnt seem to make the commitment, to make the step. to go online, to make a decision, to decide on which kitten would be the right one for me. So I asked Tiger to please send me the right one so that I would know. And then my step daughter called out of the blue one day in feb.11' and asked " do you want a kitten, one of my friends has a litter and there's only one left" "She needs a home and I know you need a friend". That was my Sophia Solana (my sunny place). And well, here she is taking up my time, making me laugh, giving me companionship, and sometimes making it impossible to sew or paint or just about anything else that has to do with the art room...that houses the two large plants that she loves to dive her little nose into the minute she hits the floor running! But I love her and she will calm down sooner or later and of course the plants will go out on the patio as soon as the weather permits so.....just one day at a time :D

Dulce, the cat lover.....meow

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Material! that's my decision on the body...yay! Day 9

I have decided to use the new funky material that I purchased months ago. I can see it in my mind and it will be fabulous! I cant wait for you to see it. I wanted to cut out the pattern for the body all week long and just kept hesitating for some reason. I kept thinking well, Im just procrastinating but all worked out for the better just today:) I can see just what she will look like and I still think she will be a she...hmm but you just never know with dolls. They seem to have a mind all their own when it comes to creating them. And this magnificent creature is no exception......

Im putting the last coat of color on her face and will then start to draw her facial features......tomorrow or the next. Im going to work on the body today now that I have the right decision on the material. I wish my little Sophia would cooperate when I want her to, but of course she has a mind of her own as well. The large plants have not been moved out of the art room yet, too cold outside for the time being..kind of slows my progress down a bit. But I love her lots and she is my greatest company and my Sunny place any time there isnt any :).

Tried to look for more of my older dolls and havent had much luck, mostly due to the fact that I can't look for them on my own, they are in the garage in boxes. My back has a bit of a problem, a bulging disc! ugh. So I will trudge along the best way I know how..and make more. Isnt that what its all about anyway...more dolls! Yes, Yes! lots more dolls!

I really fell in love with these soft sculptured  in mid 2010 and just havent been able to put the idea down, nor do I want to. So limitless, no boundaries, just creation in all its glory.

I have just recently been in contact with a doll group here in Ohio. I will be attending a class in late April and Im definitely looking forward to it. I am of the understanding that we will have Ute Vasina the well known Troll Doll maker come to head a class for us in June. Im very excited to be a part of her class and to add hers to my knowledge and abilities. If you are not yet familiar with Ute please check out her website by clicking on the thumbnail on the rightside of my blog. She has some very unique ideas and some very lovable creatures that she has brought to life.

Well back to work, looking forward to posting the body pattern and progressing on this lovely ladies face!

The wetlands out back here are still wheat colored and do not make for good pics so I havent taken many of them lately....i will have something better for you to look at soon! Until then.........

Sweet Dreams, Dulce, the dollweaver

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Changes-Great Time for a New Moon

Well Sunday was our New Moon and I made a trip to PA with my Oldest daughter. We had a wonderful time together and as I always say..wish my youngest was with us. We all have such a great time laughing with each other, one just plays off the other. And my daughters really know how to make each other laugh like crazy! So anyway, we went to IKEA for a few things for A's bedroom, she was buying I went for the ride :). We had breakfast on the run, McD's and then before we came home we went to Cracker Barrel...I love their Chicken Fried fattening but sooo good! It was a lovely trip, nice weather and always great to be with my daughter.

So, I have as you can see made a few color changes to my page and I think so far a great start to the phase of the New Moon. The New Moon is always a good time for new changes, new beginnings and new potential. That thought is very inviting and creatively energizing! It's a great day for working on dolls :D

I have a few things to accomplish this am and then I will come back to show you some new workings on our doll. The gesso should be dry now, we've had a few wet days here in Ohio so the gesso took a bit longer than I would have liked. Im ready to sand a bit and apply one more coat of gesso and then Im ready to start the markings for her face.

Im working on the body pattern and the cutout so I can post those. Im still tossing back and forth about the material for the body but will have that figured out soon :)

be back Dulce

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Definitely Day 8 of Soft Sculptured Dolls

Soon I will want to name this lovely creature, for I am sure she has come to life.

I have just finished applying the gesso to her face. I applied several coats each after the other without waiting for them to dry. I will let them dry altogether and then will give a fine sanding and then one more gentle layer of gesso. We can then apply her makeup....the fun part!

Oh and while trying to take some of the first pictures, well actually the first picture I started to take, I dropped the head that was on the stick right on top of my little Sophia :o. Sophia was trying to be nosy as usual and couldnt wait for her chance to jump in the large planter next to my art/sewing desk!lol and in trying to hurry the pictures along, hoping she wouldnt jump in, I dropped it right on her black little face lol. Im still giggling about it as I write. Ok, so I had to stop, grab her, call my husband to help and then wash her down. Fortunately its non toxic paint and she was very good about getting her face washed. I wished I had taken a picture...I was just so concerned that she would start licking it off her face or it would dry and I wouldnt be able to get all of it!.

She's all clean and I have some pictures of the head with gesso. I want to cut out the body pattern tonight and take some pictures of that also. The face will definitely not be ready to be painted until tomorrow or the next, so we're looking at Tues for face painting. But that gives me lots of time to work on the body!

She's coming along just fine, I will be back hope you're enjoying the fun in the making.

Thanks for dropping in, Dulce The Dreamweaver

April Fools Day ! the day after :)

Good Morning to all! I was here yesterday and of course in a hurry so what I tried to post at the last minute did not-post :/. Only stopped to say Happy April Fools!

Im working on the doll face today and will show you what I've done with the stitching and face painting. I would like to get to the body today and have some great ideas for body and clothing. I have some really interesting material that I picked up a few months ago, can't wait to use it. I'll post some pictures of the material(s) and finished sculpting for now. A first gesso of the sculptured face and some face painting in just a few. My goal is to makes some real headway with this magnificent creature today!

Enjoy, be back soon...Dulce the Dollweaver :D
Sophia's watching the birds.....