Saturday, January 12, 2008

Recipes for weight loss

I used to be 50 lbs. overweight. I decide one year that I didn't care how much I weighed and ate everything that wasn't nailed down. I then noted that I wasn't getting dates anymore and tried to lose some of my fat. That wasn't as easy as all that to do. I tried the usual skipping meals, that didnt work. I tried the carb counting, that didn't work either. I tried the all protien, the cabbage soup regimen, the all fruit, the all veg until I was exhausted. I then started putting my own eating style back into play. My train of thought was this. All things in moderation. A balance. Something I had always tried to live by in every other area of my life. I just didn't think of it when I was eating. I lost my 50 lbs and I feel and look great!

Here's one that I always use when I need to fit into that party dress!

For two days before you're going to that oh so important party try this one....

Beautifully Broiled Salmon

1 4-6 oz Salmon Filet
1 c. brocolli
1 c. of pineapple
Beverage of choice should be coffee, tea or a diet soda.

You can prepare your salmon broiled, steamed, poached or baked.

I usually season my salmon with garlic salt and pepper. A little olive oil in the pan and brown lightly on both sides. Then into the oven to bake for 10 min.s- covered. Steam your cup of brocolli with a little pepper and salt. Cut your pineapple into bite sized pieces!

This recipe will yield about 5lbs of water weight after two days. You should of course be moderate with your other meal choices too. Remember Calories in, weight on

So take out that party dress and prepare for a wonderful evening of looking beautiful! And please remember.......COUNT THOSE CALORIES!

Note: responsibility for you looking great in that classic black dress is all yours!

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