Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 7 of Soft Dolls- Sculptured... :D

Well I've done some of the sculpturing of the face of my new doll. It's definitely proving to be someone I had no idea I would make....but I really think that it has character.

 I took out the initial sculpturing that I had put in and gave this one a few tweeks. I really do love how it's coming along..I had a smile on my face the whole time I was working on it. It may not look like much at the moment but it will, I can feel it and definitely a "character".

I want to work on the body for a few days and then come back to the face so that it develops. I have to gesso the face and then let it dry. I will then have the pattern for the body, which I think I will make partially costume and flesh. I have some very unique material that I bought some time ago, knowing once I saw it that it had a place in my doll world. We shall see.

I love the process of doll making because it is so abstract. I have painted for many years and my favorite style has always been abstract because there are no boundaries. It is the same with sculpturing dolls, the faces and styles have no boundaries. Dolls and the characters they become are as limitless as your imagination.

A little note about me, I have always kept my distance from faces in painting for some reason....but with sculpture..I don't feel that hesitance. I feel a necessity to help these faces come to life, it has become so exciting. It's almost as if each one is being born as you work with it. It's also a welcoming hurtle for me as well in the painting/creation realm.

Let me leave you with some pictures of the face I have sculptured and I will be back tomorrow. I did go to the clubhouse today, to walk on the treadmill and also to work in peace, haha. I made progress on the doll face as well as the sweater (knitting) that Im working on. I have promised myself that I will finish it even if im well into spring, I can always wear it in the fall next year.

An amazing find, lol, my camera battery has no power! I plugged it in and will be able to take my doll pictures soon. I'll post in a few hours, see you back then.

Dulce' the dollweaver  (just a few pics of some late may 10' skies)

1 comment:

Painting Tips and Tricks said...

This is such a great site! I like the way you set this up! Great content and images as well! Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel