Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Very Good Morning

Good morning to everyone in bloggerland, Im trying to write as my kitten chews on my feet..silly cat. She seems content to lay under my feet and clean her beautiful fur as I write as long as I dont put my feet back on the ground!

I woke up lazily this morning which is always a great feeling. My Sophia (my kitten) was very cuddly and decided that staying in bed was a great idea so we did. I didnt get up until 10am! Not the usual for me, im usually up by 7, mostly because Sophia is an early riser. Kittens just dont understand beauty sleep, they are in play mode 24/7.

Ive finished my purse and am still working on my elf-Mahdreen. I am going to put her body together and take some pictures today. I had a bit of a set back with my car the last few days so its been the attention grabber. Hmm, I seem to be calling in all the fix it energy this week :)

I decided to take my car into the shop to have the A/C looked at, need to know the price before I decide if Im going to replace it. So I take it to a local shop, the owner is someone Ive known from one of the CC's that Ive worked at. He has a guy look at it and tells me that Im looking at over 1000.00, ugghhhh! Not what I wanted to hear at this point. I know that I have to have it fixed before I move. I cant very well drive across the states in a car that doesnt have a/c, especially with a passenger and my cat. Im not happy about any of this and on top of that he tells me that I need a new tire! I just bought them 2 yrs ago!!! I tell him and he says, well the hole is on the side so I cant plug it. He puts on my spare(cause im not going to buy a tire from him cause Im po'd about the price of the a/c) which now days is a donut sized tire only meant to get you to the shop to get another tire! double grrrrrrr. So I tell him to just do the oil change and I'll pick up the car.

I arrive at the shop and exchange pleasantries with the owner and he then gives me a bill for 97 dollars! now Im fuming, what the heck did I just pay for. I was so mad I couldnt even see straight. $97 dollars? really, for an oil change? He said, well we have to charge for checking the a/c. Honestly, really? So I pay the $97 and take my car and the donut and go home to cry for awhile.

So the next day I decide that I have to look for tire prices and get this tire situation under control cause I cant even begin to work on organizing stuff for the move without transportation. I finally take it to a place next door to my complex, sounds citified doesnt it? but its not, just happens to be an NTB a block away for some reason. The area is very wooded and then sprinkled with civilization in places that just dont seem right, haha. So I have my tire replaced for $79 and Im still looking into the a/c.

I said all that to say.......I have really been trying to get back into the art room where my sanity resides and I think today is the perfect day to do it.

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