Thursday, March 21, 2013

Brynlee's Doll

More progress on baby Brynlee's doll.

As a refresher....I started with..
Simplicity pattern #2462
I found this at Hobby Lobby..only my most favorite place in the whole crafty world! on a 99cent pattern day! yay! double favorite!! I followed the instructions for the pattern and was pleased with most every part. The only part that I had to modify was the neckline of the dress, I found that it was a bit large for the dolls neck. But everything else was great!
I'm going to make some shoes for this doll, the pattern doesn't call for shoes nor does it come with a pattern for this so I'll make my own. You can also pick up a baby shoe pattern if needed and that would work perfectly too!
I used a synthetic curly hair in "blond" and I finally found a suitable method for sewing it on too. I have as I mentioned before always used yarn for a baby's doll so that it would not come apart when played with but this doll will be on Brynlee's shelf.
I'm also going to make the hat that came with the pattern and still need to sew the buttons and ribbon embellishments on. I'll post the process of the hair on the next publishing, I hunted quite a long time to find a way to put this type of hair together that I liked.
(the back of the doll that still needs to have a few seams sewn and some buttons & ribbons!)
                                    (Her hair attached to its base and sewn to her head)
I've really enjoyed making this doll and "especially"  knowing that it's for a very special baby! But, they all are VERY SPECIAL aren't they?

I'll be back soon with my handy hints and my special additions for this doll! And of course the finished doll.


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