Monday, February 11, 2008

He's trying to fire me?

Haven't been to work in 3 days, my schedule, which is joke, nice to have the time off. I think our exec chef is quitting....hmm. I wonder why?He has to put up with one EYe also. You see one EYe is a, as I said previously, benevolant dictator! Imagine why someone would quit? I like chef, he's fun and truthful. I hope he has something better lined up, im sure he does.

I had a great day yesterday. I cleaned my house, I know it doesn't seem like fun, but when you are done it feels so good! Then my fiance came home, yes we live together, and we had the greatest time. We went out for lunch and then we came home and had dessert....mmmmm What an awsomely handsome man I have. Wow. We are to be married in April. I love him...mmmm

Ok, back to work. I think the asst. general mgr. is trying to fire me. You see, he has a payroll problem. He hired me thinking that one of the asst clubhouse mgr's were going to quit. He also had a backup plan, he was going to fire his wife (one of the asst. clubhouse mgr's) in September and didn't. Problem being, he sucks in his roll and the board would like to get rid of him, so he doesn't want to rid his wife of her job. He makes the money or she does? Can't do yourself out of income in both directions. Now we have the problem of where do we cut the payroll? Hmmmm, could we possibly harass one of the managers? You know, it hasn't worked so far. But he's trying. My job sucks some days and others well they just pass for something to do. So far my fiance has gotten me through the hard times, like I said he's great and very sneaky.

Gotta go, he's due home................I love him so much.

Im doing steaks tonight. Nothing fancy.

2 Black Angus Beef Loin Strip Steaks
1/2 tsp. Garlic Salt
4 twists of the pepper grinder

Grill on each side 8 minutes for medium well (DONT TURN)

Once done....let rest for 5-10 to redistribute the juices!

For side dishes use your imagination.... tonight im making brocolli and roasted yukon gold potatoes

Im steaming the brocolli with a little butter and salt & pepper. The Yukon potatoes will be cut in quarters and drizzled with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic and parsley. I will roast the potatoes for 30 min's and turn them half way through.

Im thinking red wine tonight.......of course im always thinking red wine..(smile)

Thanks for listening,


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