Saturday, September 15, 2012

Next segment of "The Making of Mahdreen"

Hello again!  I'm posting more on The Making of Mahdreen today.......

I applied a coat of gessoe and then let it dry, applied 2 more the same way & sanded with fine sand paper after each.
I attached some mystical jeweling to Mahdreen's left hand and painted her face with flesh colored acrylic. I've also added a bit of coloring to her eyes and lips with water color pencils.
These are a few of my favorite work with. Acrylic gessoe, a glue that will hold a wide array of embellishments, watercolor pencils, the chopstick that comes with batting!, cloth tube turner and my hemostats (love these guys a lot). All these items make my life so much easier when I'm making a doll!

I repainted Mahdreen's face a lighter flesh color and started the eye and lip coloring all over again....this is the amazing greatness of creating! You can decided what you do and don't like, its all up to you!
Mahdreen with her hair and outfit. I pieced together all clothing with scrap fabric, following the idea of a doll's pants for her jumper. I then had taken a few small pieces of upholstery fabric (scraps) and sewn them together,....kind of mish mosh..for color effect. I played with it for awhile and ended up folding over two corners to make arm holes, sewed them together and had her coat. I had also by this time repainted her face with more watercolor pencils and started adding embellishments.

The back of Mahdreen's jacket, I gathered the back up a bit to form fit it to her. I've also zigzagged a ribbon onto the edge for another fun effect! As you can see her hair hasn't been trimmed yet.
I added some flesh colored knit to form her breasts, gathered them by a hand stitch and sewed them onto her body. I stuffed them with a small amount of fiberfill, then put on her pantsuit.

Well enough for today......I have the last of few pictures that I will post by Monday! Again if you have any questions for me about the making of Mahdreen or purchasing the pattern with full instructions leave a message and I will get back to you asap. She will also be posted on my Etsy store in the very near future!

Thanks for dropping by,


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