Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Im Here!

Just got in late Saturday afternoon...all I can say is that I don't want to do that again for a loooooong time, ugh.

That was an experience that I can't wrap my head around just yet. It was a very long, tedious, mentally and physically exhausting day and night and day and...well you get the idea. Im not nor ever have been a great long distance driver and then add night vision, oh boy. There were a lot of sights to see but when all you want to do is get there you dont want to stop to check out anything, and we didnt. I could go on about the trip, really, because it was so much more than the few sentences that I've written but it wasnt my best experience. I just wanted it to be over. I thought that I would enjoy it and thought about all the fun possibilities, they didnt manifest. I guess I just wanted it to be over and be here, so I think I will concentrate on the now. I will say that fast food is not my friend anymore, I cant even look or think about a golden arch, ugh! or a travel stop and there are a lot of golden arches to be found in them, lol

Actually, once I get a breather there are a few great stories to tell, especially about Ms Kitty Sophia :)...Im just not there yet.

So for now Im going to enjoy the beautiful warm weather and the sun and the mountains and getting myself set here in my new home. Ive eaten a few great mexican meals since arriving and I think that I have my initial craving out of the way. I've been to a few markets (grocery stores) and see that there are lots of mexican products to make my own meals out of which will be great. I havent been able to get anything "real" in regards to mexican food for a very long time so seeing these items made me very happy. I would love to make my own tortillas strictly for flavor but im not sure that I want to take the time or deal with the calories when I find that they are sooooo delicious. I know that I want to try tamales with out a doubt, making them, and also some of the slow cooked meats (they have the seasoning here).

I'll be back have some things to do.


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