Monday, January 16, 2012

Rag Romance is Open For Business!

I have just finished creating my new business....."RAG ROMANCE" I know you'll love it as much as I do! It is everything that I've always known I've wanted and more. 

Rag Romance is the offspring of my love affair with fabric. I am always saving scraps of fabric and Im always looking for something else to make of them. I can remember doing this even as a child. My mother got me started with this habit so I have her to thank for it, Thank you Mom.

 I feel it may have come from her being raised during a time when fabric was not affordable for my grandparents. She was raised in what she referred to as a "holler" in the hills of Kentucky. She used to tell me stories about those times which I'll pass on in bits...its an interesting story.

For instance, the dresses that she wore to school were made out of feed sacks. She was raised on a farm, not the type of farm that comes to mind when you think of a farm but a very small, family sustaining farm. So the feed sacks were actually from the feed that was used to feed the animals, one cow, one pig, a few chickens and so on.

Scraps of fabric were life altering.

I could tell you stories about the sewing room that my mother worked out of as a grown woman....boxes and boxes of scrap fabric and she found uses believe me :)

So I came by my love for fabric genuinely, an apple off the same tree.

You can find my Etsy Shop at  Visit often, you never know what you'll find.

I will also post the beginnings of Mahdreen so that you can follow her progress. I have her body stuffed and am sewing her together tonight :) She's just beautiful and I cant wait to put her clothing together! She's the female Elder Elf that I began late last year and had to be put on hold due to the move here to Arizona. I am loving the unfolding of her personality. She is one of my self drawn patterns and may become a pattern open to purchase.

Romance is in the air..I can feel it. Talk to you soon,


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