Sunday, January 29, 2012

Creating a Uniquely YOU doll

Its a beautiful Sunday morning, well its early afternoon as I look at the clock. Where did my morning go? I have been lost in creating....I just love those periods of time where the clock just seems to stand still for you while you dream and create.

I've been working on Mahdreen and I thought I would show you a few steps while she's in the making. The little steps make the biggest difference. I began by drawing the pattern myself because I wanted her to take on a certain look. I've posted a pic of the initial drawings and a picture of what her hand has been modified into since Sophia took off with that original :) I chose to go with a 3 finger look on the other because she is a mythical creature, ahh the beautiful choices we have when we create.

I also wanted to pass on a few items that make my doll life easier. I love water color pencils for one, they really give you a chance to detail a dolls face and then make it so much more with just a touch of water. My favorite pencils right now are Faber Castell acquarelles. So many great colors available and so much you can do with them. I love to draw an initial line, take my detailer brush, dip it in a bit of water and blend. Give it a try on a bit of paper that you have lying around, play with it, get comfy and see what you come up with. You'll be amazed at the possibilities of color combinations and the qualities that watercolor pencils can give you. I love them and I cant say enough about them.

 These are a few of my favorite things!

 I so want to try my hand at Ink Pencils, I saw them at an art store during the holidays and almost bought a set, don't know why I didn't! I'll save that for another day tho :)

I also just purchased a hemostat that has a mini grip at the mouth end. I swear I was dreaming of this instrument just days before and then all of a sudden there it was. Really....I kept thinking to myself while I was stuffing, or trying to stuff Mahdreen's fingers, "I wish there was something that would grab a piece of stuffing and deposit it at the tip". I think I'm psychic because when I went to a doll class a week ago there it was. The perfect instrument of my dreams, exactly as I had dreamed it. I haven't had the chance to use it just yet but when I out doll fingers! cause I will not have the problems that I have had before! And if you've tried stuffing doll fingers you know what I mean..Of course there's turning them too but I have a remedy for that one also....sly smile on my face.

I'm posting a pic of Mahdreen in the make up stage-so to speak, she will have her ears painted and shaded also and her coloring will be played with a bit. But this is what steps are all about, creating, step by step. And knowing that each step is a move in a perfectly beautiful "you" direction. Because no one can create the way you do. No one can lend that distinctly "you" quality that you so lovingly do with every stitch and every brush stroke. With every creation that you hold in "your" hands you impart that uniquely you love into it. Create, Love and Harmonize, thats my thought for the day...

I'll be back soon with more steps and a handy hint or 2:) and more of Mahdreen's progress.


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