Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Material! that's my decision on the body...yay! Day 9

I have decided to use the new funky material that I purchased months ago. I can see it in my mind and it will be fabulous! I cant wait for you to see it. I wanted to cut out the pattern for the body all week long and just kept hesitating for some reason. I kept thinking well, Im just procrastinating but all worked out for the better just today:) I can see just what she will look like and I still think she will be a she...hmm but you just never know with dolls. They seem to have a mind all their own when it comes to creating them. And this magnificent creature is no exception......

Im putting the last coat of color on her face and will then start to draw her facial features......tomorrow or the next. Im going to work on the body today now that I have the right decision on the material. I wish my little Sophia would cooperate when I want her to, but of course she has a mind of her own as well. The large plants have not been moved out of the art room yet, too cold outside for the time being..kind of slows my progress down a bit. But I love her lots and she is my greatest company and my Sunny place any time there isnt any :).

Tried to look for more of my older dolls and havent had much luck, mostly due to the fact that I can't look for them on my own, they are in the garage in boxes. My back has a bit of a problem, a bulging disc! ugh. So I will trudge along the best way I know how..and make more. Isnt that what its all about anyway...more dolls! Yes, Yes! lots more dolls!

I really fell in love with these soft sculptured  in mid 2010 and just havent been able to put the idea down, nor do I want to. So limitless, no boundaries, just creation in all its glory.

I have just recently been in contact with a doll group here in Ohio. I will be attending a class in late April and Im definitely looking forward to it. I am of the understanding that we will have Ute Vasina the well known Troll Doll maker come to head a class for us in June. Im very excited to be a part of her class and to add hers to my knowledge and abilities. If you are not yet familiar with Ute please check out her website by clicking on the thumbnail on the rightside of my blog. She has some very unique ideas and some very lovable creatures that she has brought to life.

Well back to work, looking forward to posting the body pattern and progressing on this lovely ladies face!

The wetlands out back here are still wheat colored and do not make for good pics so I havent taken many of them lately....i will have something better for you to look at soon! Until then.........

Sweet Dreams, Dulce, the dollweaver


Painting Tips and Tricks said...

I like your blog!...Daniel

Michelle said...

thank you Daniel, I have been trying a few new colors and gadgets! It makes it fun and interesting for me and I hope for others :)