Friday, April 8, 2011

A Lazy Grey Day.....I should be working.... :D

It's definitely a grey day here in Ohio....I've spent some of my day looking through other art web/blogsites and have received an array of great ideas. Thanks to all of you who have sent comments my way, Im greatly appreciative! Keep them coming :)

I am planning on making my way into the art room and painting the dolls face and of course start sewing the body. It seems that it's taking so long to accomplish  my desires but having my dear Sophia is like having a newborn....she requires a bit of attention, gladly.  Can't tell you how I've missed the company of a loving feline. I lost my dear Tiger in May of 10', he was 15 and it was time for him to say goodbye to this life. But I asked him, some months later, if he would please at the right time (after my grieving) send me the perfect kitten. The one he knew would be the best fit for me...he knew me so well. Many of my friends and children prompted me to go online at one of the shelters to get a kitten from them. And that course was my plan, I just couldnt seem to make the commitment, to make the step. to go online, to make a decision, to decide on which kitten would be the right one for me. So I asked Tiger to please send me the right one so that I would know. And then my step daughter called out of the blue one day in feb.11' and asked " do you want a kitten, one of my friends has a litter and there's only one left" "She needs a home and I know you need a friend". That was my Sophia Solana (my sunny place). And well, here she is taking up my time, making me laugh, giving me companionship, and sometimes making it impossible to sew or paint or just about anything else that has to do with the art room...that houses the two large plants that she loves to dive her little nose into the minute she hits the floor running! But I love her and she will calm down sooner or later and of course the plants will go out on the patio as soon as the weather permits so.....just one day at a time :D

Dulce, the cat lover.....meow

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