Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh My.....This stuff is hard to shake!

Its been about a week since I was last here and I have to, that intestinal thing was most definitely hard to shake..yikes! I'm hoping this is the last.
No progress on the doll but I did feel well enough to rummage through the garage today for an hour and found some new (well,old)patterns. I used to put all my patterns in these cute pink striped boxes. They were just for patterns and they had places for marking which were where. I really loved these boxes and used to refer to them often. I also have two craft books in this box too! You know the kind that they would advertise "buy the first set of inserts" and they would send you a free binder to hold them in. Then once a month they would send you another set of inserts (pages that had craft/sewing pics and then step by step how to's). I loved these craft books and my girls would look into them for ideas and patterns all the time. All the patterns are full size and are at the back of the book in pocket holders, easy to find.
I'm getting ready for a garage sale at a local neighborhood center. It will be outside unless it rains, which it looks as though it might this coming saturday. Hence the reason I was looking through the garage. I have been needing and wanting to go through things for years now. I moved 4 yrs back to a smaller place and boxed everything up and as they say "if you haven't needed it or used it in 2...time to get rid of it". So that's what I'm doing this next week, clearing my clutter.
I think I'll get out my book "how to clear your clutter" to remind me just why I need to get rid of some things. It has lots of handy hints on dividing your items and great reasons for doing so! You know, clearing my clutter might just be the trick to getting my energy and well being unstuck. Im an old school Feng Shui girl and truly believe that when things start accumulating in your dwelling space you can certainly expect to feel your energy levels stagnate.
Well, Im going to listen to my body today and lay down for awhile. I can start again tomorrow on some more clutter clearing. I'm also reading a book on Toltec Wisdom a definite move in the greatest direction.

Talk to you soon, Dulce

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